Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sanding Man

Here's the video I mentioned I took yesterday morning of me sanding a vJ5 body. Pretty straight forward stuff. I start with 100 grit on a disc on the faces and then pull the disc off and do the edges and sides. Then I do the same thing with 220 grit. Simple huh?

I edited the video down in Final Cut Pro, which is ridiculously easy to use. The two tunes on there are things that I've done by myself in my studio that I had laying around. The bass on both tracks is my vP5, which I love dearly and will never sell. So don't even ask.

If I had had more time, or wanted to be more serious about the video I would have gotten a little more involved in the music part of it. But this was just a quick thing and really didn't warrant too much work.

Future stuff will probably be a bit more involved.

I hope you enjoy it.

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