Monday, April 16, 2012

Fermented Farm Music

So I blew my commitment to post every day. The weekend caught me unprepared. Not sure how I'm going to deal with that in the future. It sure is easy to get carried away with weekend stuff and just completely forget to follow through on this. Maybe I'll need to "preload" a couple posts...

But I made a commitment and I'm going to do my best to stick to it. So in that spirit, here's a photo from my rib grilling adventure yesterday:

They were a bit spicier than the last time, which is interesting, because I used the same rub. I wonder if rubs get hotter as they sit. Or maybe I just had too much of it caked on the ribs. Not sure. In any case, they were quite delicious. Just not the best thing for my 10 year old daughter.

The idea to put the squash in there, in the rib rack, was the new thing for me. And it worked quite well. That's my creative solution from the weekend.

On to today. I get these little ideas every now and then when I sit down with my guitar. I've finally gotten a little used to recording them. I have a little Marantz recorder that I try to keep handy so when the idea comes and the internal critic thinks it's worthy I can pull it out and hit record.

I put one of these ideas up on my Soundcloud page. This one is from a couple weeks ago. I recorded another one today, but my recorder seems to have stopped working. It just says card full. Which it's not. So it's time to see if I can get that thing warrantied.

This sort of highlights where I'm at in my musical creative process. One thing to do would be to take these little ideas and try to turn them in to "songs". Then maybe see if lyrics come along and hammer on that for a bit. Or just record them as they come out. Hopefully without too many mistakes. I guess these things will be what they will be.

I read a book a short while ago about song writing. It's called Tunesmith and it's by Jimmy Webb. I'd recommend it for anyone interested in learning more about writing songs. It was quite good and has helped give me some direction. It's time now to just sit and learn the instruments and some theory and just write. Over and over. To try to get to that place that Ira Glass talked about where the internal critic is satisfied.

It's going to be a long process. Unless I follow through with an idea I had to go up to the family farm in Northern Minnesota alone with some recording gear and just make music. Kind of like how Justin Vernon made his first album. It sure sounds like a fantasy at this point. But I'm letting the idea ferment. We'll see where it leads...

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