Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Old Winder

Today I got a new counter for a winder that I bought off of ebay about 6 years ago.  This thing had been taking up space in the shop for the whole time since then.  About a month ago I decided I needed an R and D machine because it was tough to get any machine time due the our busy production schedule.

I briefly flirted with building one when I realize that I had this old professional machine taking up space.  Doh!  So we ordered a counter for it.  It wasn't cheap, but after spending a few minutes hooking it up and exploring how it works, I've realized that this will be a VERY cool machine for prototyping.  I'm excited to get creative with new designs.

I want to try some blade style pickups first.  Something easy to make that sounds great and has a one size fits all quality.  Then I want to get into some old school funky stuff.  Like gold foil single coils.  And some mud-bucker type stuff.  I'm really looking forward to playing with magnets and wire.

We also have to finish the hum canceling strat pickups that have been 4 years in developing.  They are very close to being ready.  One more tweak and we should have it.  And then, with any luck, we'll turn some guitar player heads.  And ears.

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